Yes Organics (yesorganics.nz) was born from the desire to solve a problem that a friend and I had. Upon moving from the tropics to the cooler climate of New Zealand, I often had dry and chapped lips and couldn’t find a lip balm that really helped. And after hearing that a friend suffered from cold sores, I investigated the possibilities of finding a solution to both of our problems using 100% natural and organic ingredients. After conducting a lot of research, my first lip balms were born: Cocoa & Hempseed, which is beautifully moisturising and Lemon Balm & Geranium, which is for cold sore prone lips. Based on more research, testing and feedback, I adjusted and perfected the formulas, not just to ensure that they really work, but that they also deliver a beautiful experience. Today we have a complete range and even a tinted option. Sometimes, I still cannot believe that I have created these lip balms, which are loved by so many and have been so blessed to collectively win over 20 international awards.
I believe it is important to take a holistic approach to life. There is no one thing that can fully meet your self-care needs. I have applied this approach with Yes Organics as well and our lip balms combine the intrinsic qualities of many carefully selected natural ingredients. That is what makes them so good. Therefore, to achieve a balanced and healthy lifestyle, I recommend embracing nature, by combining organic and nourishing food, yoga, spending time in nature and using natural and organic products.
My goals are to give more people the opportunity to try and enjoy our existing range of lip care products, by increasing their availability in stores both regionally and abroad. I am also looking at expanding our product range and we would also like to be able to donate more to the charities that we support, particularly to help with planting and restoring more native trees.
I think that educating ourselves is vital. By becoming more aware of the products that we use, the food that we eat and the impact that our decisions have on our wellbeing and our planet, we can make better choices that lead to better outcomes. Reading and understanding the ingredients of a product will allow you to make informed decisions. Choose organic, natural, cruelty-free, non-GMO, fair-trade and ethical products. Appreciate that even taking small steps makes a difference. Use renewable energy if possible and reduce your carbon footprint. If you have space for a garden, plant some bee-friendly flowers, native plants, grow your own fruit and vegetables if you can, share with neighbours, support charities, pay forward and give to those in need and above all, be kind.
Read Original Article | The Green Parent Natural Magazine UK | Yes Organics Beauty Secrets